“龙”光焕发 共启新程!数据科学学院中外合作办学项目师生共启“热辣滚烫”新学期!
本学期内,7名外教将完成Foundations of Data Science(数据科学基础)、Data Visualization(数据可视化)等多门英文课程的教学。
Jason Aubrey
Welcome back to another exciting semester at CUEB! We hope that your break was rejuvenating and filled with wonderful moments.
This semester holds the promise of growth, learning, and new opportunities. We encourage each of you to embrace the challenges that lie ahead, for it is through facing these challenges that we truly discover our potential. Remember, every assignment, every class, and every interaction contributes to your academic and personal development.
As you navigate your courses and engage with your professors and fellow students, we encourage you to ask questions, seek help when needed, and collaborate with your peers. CUEB is not just a place of learning; it's a community where ideas are shared, friendships are formed, and dreams are nurtured.
We believe in each and every one of you, and we are confident that your dedication and hard work will pave the way for success. Approach each day with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a willingness to learn. Take advantage of the resources available to you, from our esteemed faculty to the state-of-the-art facilities on campus.
May this semester be filled with discovery, achievement, and personal growth. We wish you the very best of luck in your studies and encourage you to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Remember, success is not just about the destination but the journey, and we're excited to be part of yours.
Here's to a semester filled with academic excellence, meaningful connections, and the pursuit of your aspirations. Welcome back, and let's make this semester one to remember!
Jamey Rogers
I am thrilled as an Arizona Wildcat to join the CUEB community this spring. I look forward to seeing you around campus and in the classroom. The best way to learn to write and speak in English, as with any language, is to find your inner motivation to communicate and pursue situations that allow you to express yourself. I hope you will free to practice your English with me. Stop me on campus to say hello or email me at jameyrogers@email.arizona.edu.
Best wishes!
Ruhul Ali Khan
Dear students, as we embark on this journey together, I wanted to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you for this spring semester. May this semester be filled with growth, learning, and success.
May you find the motivation to embrace all the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that each obstacle presents an opportunity for personal and academic growth. Embrace your studies with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a hunger for knowledge, for through learning, we become better versions of ourselves.
Best wishes for a successful and rewarding spring semester!
Qurat Sabir
So happy you are all here! Hope you had an awesome winter break It’s now time to seek unlimited opportunities for learning by engaging together. Let us together make this a year to remember. Gear up for an awesome semester ahead!
Wu Liang
Hey! Welcome back from your winter break! Hope that you had fun and spent some quality time with your family during the holiday. Now you are recharged and ready for a new semester ahead.
It was really a pleasure to work with all of you last semester. Many of you asked questions in class and talked to me during office hours. I could see the efforts you put in and the improvements you made. Moving forward I hope you keep up the good work and continue to work hard. To be successful academically, make sure that you do these three things: 1. Come to class. We try to condense all the things you need to learn in 4 hours each week. Attending lectures is the most efficient way to learn. 2. Do your homework! The only way to learn and master something new is by doing it. 3. Ask if in doubt. If you don’t understand something in class, take notes, think about it and ask if still not sure.
This year is the year of the Loong. Maybe it is not too late to make some new year resolutions. For me, I hope I can unlock the wheel pose and shoulder stand in yoga, read 20 books this year, get better at R programming and learn more about high-dimensional statistics. How about you?
This is a new year. A new beginning. More cherished memories to make in 2024!
Zakir Ullah
Dear student!Best wishes for the spring semester 2024, may you continue to shine brightly in your academic pursuits. As you start a new semester, remember to be diligent and work hard to achieve your goals. I wish you unwavering determination and a thirst for knowledge to achieve great things in this academic year. May you always remain curious, passionate, and committed to learning. Be positive, look forward to new experiences, and motivate yourself to achieve your dreams. Keep going, no matter what may come in your way; keep your head up and the faith strong that you can do it. Best wishes for a fruitful and enriching academic year.
Kwanghyun Kim
Welcome to a new semester. It's going to be a time for us to grow, discover new things, and excel academically. I want to encourage you to approach your studies with curiosity and dedication. I look forward to seeing you around campus. Wishing you a semester filled with meaningful learning experiences and personal growth.
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